There's some confusion involving N. boschiana, N. stenophylla, N. faizaliana and N. fusca "Sarawak". Here is a page that shows some photos for each species and the most obvious taxonomical differences. BE3039 Sex: male. Origin: Mt Besar, Borneo, Indonesia. Notes: photo by Daniele Righetti. BE3361 Sex: batch. Origin: BE3039 x VID0330. Notes: individuals from seed. VID0330 Sex: batch. Origin: Mt Sakumpang, Borneo, Indonesia. Notes: 4 clones, also labelled as BE3040 but never offered for sale. EPa Sex: Origin: Mt Besar, Borneo, Indonesia. Notes: EPb Sex: batch. Origin: ? X ? Notes: dark form crossed with a wide peristome form, individuals from seed. NE127 Sex: batch. Origin: Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia. Notes: BE3448 Sex: batch. Origin: BE3039 x VID0330. Notes: 4 clones selected from BE3361. BE3643 Sex: batch. Origin: VID0330 x VID0330. Notes: mix of individuals from seed and clones. BE3559 Sex: batch. Origin: VID0330 x VID0330. Notes: individuals from seed. N382 Sex: batch. Origin: Meratus Mts, Borneo, Indonesia. Notes: individuals from seed. |